Source code for upoints.utils

# coding=utf-8
"""utils - Support code for :mod:`upoints`."""
# Copyright © 2007-2017  James Rowe <>
# This file is part of upoints.
# upoints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# upoints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# upoints.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import division

#: Address for use in messages
__bug_report__ = 'James Rowe <>'

import csv
import datetime
import inspect
import math
import re

from functools import reduce

from lxml import etree
from lxml import objectify as _objectify

from operator import add

from .compat import (basestring, mangle_repr_type)

#: Body radii of various solar system objects
    # Body radii in kilometres
    'Sun': 696000,

    # Terrestrial inner planets
    'Mercury': 2440,
    'Venus': 6052,
    'Earth': 6367,
    'Mars': 3390,

    # Gas giant outer planets
    'Jupiter': 69911,
    'Saturn': 58232,
    'Uranus': 25362,
    'Neptune': 24622,

    # only satellite to be added
    'Moon': 1738,

    # dwarf planets may be added
    'Pluto': 1153,
    'Ceres': 475,
    'Eris': 1200,

#: Default body radius to use for calculations
#: Number of kilometres per nautical mile
#: Number of kilometres per statute mile

#: Maidenhead locator constants

[docs]class FileFormatError(ValueError): """Error object for data parsing error. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ def __init__(self, site=None): """Initialise a new ``FileFormatError`` object. Args: site (str): Remote site name to display in error message """ super(FileFormatError, self).__init__() = site def __str__(self): """Pretty printed error string. Returns: str: Human readable error string """ if return ("Incorrect data format, if you're using a file downloaded " 'from %s please report this to %s' % (, __bug_report__)) else: return 'Unsupported data format.'
# Implementation utilities {{{
[docs]def value_or_empty(value): """Return an empty string for display when value is ``None``. Args: value (str): Value to prepare for display Returns: str: String representation of ``value`` """ return value if value else ''
[docs]def repr_assist(obj, remap=None): """Helper function to simplify ``__repr__`` methods. Args: obj: Object to pull argument values for remap (dict): Argument pairs to remap before output Returns: str: Self-documenting representation of ``value`` """ if not remap: remap = {} data = [] for arg in inspect.getargspec(getattr(obj.__class__, '__init__'))[0]: if arg == 'self': continue elif arg in remap: value = remap[arg] else: try: value = getattr(obj, arg) except AttributeError: value = getattr(obj, '_%s' % arg) if isinstance(value, (type(None), list, basestring,, datetime.time)): data.append(repr(value)) else: data.append(str(value)) return "%s(%s)" % (obj.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(data))
[docs]def prepare_read(data, method='readlines', mode='r'): """Prepare various input types for parsing. Args: data (iter): Data to read method (str): Method to process data with mode (str): Custom mode to process with, if data is a file Returns: list: List suitable for parsing Raises: TypeError: Invalid value for data """ if hasattr(data, 'readlines'): data = getattr(data, method)() elif isinstance(data, list): if method == 'read': return ''.join(data) elif isinstance(data, basestring): data = getattr(open(data, mode), method)() else: raise TypeError('Unable to handle data of type %r' % type(data)) return data
[docs]def prepare_csv_read(data, field_names, *args, **kwargs): """Prepare various input types for CSV parsing. Args: data (iter): Data to read field_names (tuple of str): Ordered names to assign to fields Returns: csv.DictReader: CSV reader suitable for parsing Raises: TypeError: Invalid value for data """ if hasattr(data, 'readlines') or isinstance(data, list): pass elif isinstance(data, basestring): data = open(data) else: raise TypeError('Unable to handle data of type %r' % type(data)) return csv.DictReader(data, field_names, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def prepare_xml_read(data, objectify=False): """Prepare various input types for XML parsing. Args: data (iter): Data to read objectify (bool): Parse using lxml's objectify data binding Returns: etree.ElementTree: Tree suitable for parsing Raises: TypeError: Invalid value for data """ mod = _objectify if objectify else etree if hasattr(data, 'readlines'): data = mod.parse(data).getroot() elif isinstance(data, list): data = mod.fromstring(''.join(data)) elif isinstance(data, basestring): data = mod.parse(open(data)).getroot() else: raise TypeError('Unable to handle data of type %r' % type(data)) return data
[docs]def element_creator(namespace=None): """Create a simple namespace-aware objectify element creator. Args: namespace (str): Namespace to work in Returns: function: Namespace-aware element creator """ ELEMENT_MAKER = _objectify.ElementMaker(namespace=namespace, annotate=False) def create_elem(tag, attr=None, text=None): """:class:`objectify.Element` wrapper with namespace defined. Args: tag (str): Tag name attr (dict): Default attributes for tag text (str): Text content for the tag Returns: _objectify.ObjectifiedElement: objectify element """ if not attr: attr = {} if text: element = getattr(ELEMENT_MAKER, tag)(text, **attr) else: element = getattr(ELEMENT_MAKER, tag)(**attr) return element return create_elem
# }}} # Angle conversion utilities {{{
[docs]def to_dms(angle, style='dms'): """Convert decimal angle to degrees, minutes and possibly seconds. Args: angle (float): Angle to convert style (str): Return fractional or whole minutes values Returns: tuple of int: Angle converted to degrees, minutes and possibly seconds Raises: ValueError: Unknown value for ``style`` """ sign = 1 if angle >= 0 else -1 angle = abs(angle) * 3600 minutes, seconds = divmod(angle, 60) degrees, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) if style == 'dms': return tuple(sign * abs(i) for i in (int(degrees), int(minutes), seconds)) elif style == 'dm': return tuple(sign * abs(i) for i in (int(degrees), (minutes + seconds / 60))) else: raise ValueError('Unknown style type %r' % style)
[docs]def to_dd(degrees, minutes, seconds=0): """Convert degrees, minutes and optionally seconds to decimal angle. Args: degrees (float): Number of degrees minutes (float): Number of minutes seconds (float): Number of seconds Returns: float: Angle converted to decimal degrees """ sign = -1 if any(i < 0 for i in (degrees, minutes, seconds)) else 1 return sign * (abs(degrees) + abs(minutes) / 60 + abs(seconds) / 3600)
def __chunk(segment, abbr=False): """Generate a ``tuple`` of compass direction names. Args: segment (list): Compass segment to generate names for abbr (bool): Names should use single letter abbreviations Returns: bool: Direction names for compass segment """ names = ('north', 'east', 'south', 'west', 'north') if not abbr: sjoin = '-' else: names = [s[0].upper() for s in names] sjoin = '' if segment % 2 == 0: return (names[segment].capitalize(), sjoin.join((names[segment].capitalize(), names[segment], names[segment + 1])), sjoin.join((names[segment].capitalize(), names[segment + 1])), sjoin.join((names[segment + 1].capitalize(), names[segment], names[segment + 1]))) else: return (names[segment].capitalize(), sjoin.join((names[segment].capitalize(), names[segment + 1], names[segment])), sjoin.join((names[segment + 1].capitalize(), names[segment])), sjoin.join((names[segment + 1].capitalize(), names[segment + 1], names[segment]))) COMPASS_NAMES = reduce(add, map(__chunk, range(4))) COMPASS_NAMES_ABBR = reduce(add, [__chunk(x, True) for x in range(4)])
[docs]def angle_to_name(angle, segments=8, abbr=False): """Convert angle in to direction name. Args: angle (float): Angle in degrees to convert to direction name segments (int): Number of segments to split compass in to abbr (bool): Whether to return abbreviated direction string Returns: str: Direction name for ``angle`` """ if segments == 4: string = COMPASS_NAMES[int((angle + 45) / 90) % 4 * 2] elif segments == 8: string = COMPASS_NAMES[int((angle + 22.5) / 45) % 8 * 2] elif segments == 16: string = COMPASS_NAMES[int((angle + 11.25) / 22.5) % 16] else: raise ValueError('Segments parameter must be 4, 8 or 16 not %r' % segments) if abbr: return ''.join(i[0].capitalize() for i in string.split('-')) else: return string
# }}} # Date and time handling utilities {{{
[docs]@mangle_repr_type class TzOffset(datetime.tzinfo): """Time offset from UTC.""" def __init__(self, tzstring): """Initialise a new ``TzOffset`` object. Args:: tzstring (str): `ISO 8601`_ style timezone definition .. _ISO 8601: """ super(TzOffset, self).__init__() hours, minutes = map(int, tzstring.split(':')) self.__offset = datetime.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes) def __repr__(self): """Self-documenting string representation. Returns: str: String to recreate ``TzOffset`` object """ return repr_assist(self, {'tzstring': self.as_timezone()})
[docs] def dst(self, dt=None): """Daylight Savings Time offset. Note: This method is only for compatibility with the ``tzinfo`` interface, and does nothing Args: dt (any): For compatibility with parent classes """ return datetime.timedelta(0)
[docs] def as_timezone(self): """Create a human-readable timezone string. Returns: str: Human-readable timezone definition """ offset = self.utcoffset() hours, minutes = divmod(offset.seconds / 60, 60) if offset.days == -1: hours = -24 + hours return '%+03i:%02i' % (hours, minutes)
[docs] def utcoffset(self, dt=None): """Return the offset in minutes from UTC. Args: dt (any): For compatibility with parent classes """ return self.__offset
[docs]class Timestamp(datetime.datetime): """Class for representing an OSM timestamp value."""
[docs] def isoformat(self): """Generate an ISO 8601 formatted time stamp. Returns: str: `ISO 8601`_ formatted time stamp .. _ISO 8601: """ text = [self.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), ] if self.tzinfo: text.append(self.tzinfo.as_timezone()) else: text.append('+00:00') return ''.join(text)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_isoformat(timestamp): """Parse an ISO 8601 formatted time stamp. Args: timestamp (str): Timestamp to parse Returns: Timestamp: Parsed timestamp """ if len(timestamp) == 20: zone = TzOffset('+00:00') timestamp = timestamp[:-1] elif len(timestamp) == 24: zone = TzOffset('%s:%s' % (timestamp[-5:-2], timestamp[-2:])) timestamp = timestamp[:-5] elif len(timestamp) == 25: zone = TzOffset(timestamp[-6:]) timestamp = timestamp[:-6] timestamp = Timestamp.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') timestamp = timestamp.replace(tzinfo=zone) return timestamp
# }}} # Coordinate conversion utilities {{{ iso6709_matcher = re.compile(r'^([-+][\d.]+)([-+][\d.]+)([+-][\d.]+)?/$')
[docs]def from_iso6709(coordinates): """Parse ISO 6709 coordinate strings. This function will parse ISO 6709-1983(E) "Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations" elements. Unfortunately, the standard is rather convoluted and this implementation is incomplete, but it does support most of the common formats in the wild. The W3C has a simplified profile for ISO 6709 in `Latitude, Longitude and Altitude format for geospatial information`_. It unfortunately hasn't received widespread support as yet, but hopefully it will grow just as the `simplified ISO 8601 profile`_ has. See also: to_iso6709 Args: coordinates (str): ISO 6709 coordinates string Returns: tuple: A tuple consisting of latitude and longitude in degrees, along with the elevation in metres Raises: ValueError: Input string is not ISO 6709 compliant ValueError: Invalid value for latitude ValueError: Invalid value for longitude .. _simplified ISO 8601 profile: """ matches = iso6709_matcher.match(coordinates) if matches: latitude, longitude, altitude = matches.groups() else: raise ValueError('Incorrect format for string') sign = 1 if latitude[0] == '+' else -1 latitude_head = len(latitude.split('.')[0]) if latitude_head == 3: # ±DD(.D{1,4})? latitude = float(latitude) elif latitude_head == 5: # ±DDMM(.M{1,4})? latitude = float(latitude[:3]) + (sign * (float(latitude[3:]) / 60)) elif latitude_head == 7: # ±DDMMSS(.S{1,4})? latitude = float(latitude[:3]) + (sign * (float(latitude[3:5]) / 60)) \ + (sign * (float(latitude[5:]) / 3600)) else: raise ValueError('Incorrect format for latitude %r' % latitude) sign = 1 if longitude[0] == '+' else -1 longitude_head = len(longitude.split('.')[0]) if longitude_head == 4: # ±DDD(.D{1,4})? longitude = float(longitude) elif longitude_head == 6: # ±DDDMM(.M{1,4})? longitude = float(longitude[:4]) + (sign * (float(longitude[4:]) / 60)) elif longitude_head == 8: # ±DDDMMSS(.S{1,4})? longitude = float(longitude[:4]) \ + (sign * (float(longitude[4:6]) / 60)) \ + (sign * (float(longitude[6:]) / 3600)) else: raise ValueError('Incorrect format for longitude %r' % longitude) if altitude: altitude = float(altitude) return latitude, longitude, altitude
[docs]def to_iso6709(latitude, longitude, altitude=None, format='dd', precision=4): """Produce ISO 6709 coordinate strings. This function will produce ISO 6709-1983(E) "Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations" elements. See also: from_iso6709 Args: latitude (float): Location's latitude longitude (float): Location's longitude altitude (float): Location's altitude format (str): Format type for string precision (int): Latitude/longitude precision Returns: str: ISO 6709 coordinates string Raises: ValueError: Unknown value for ``format`` .. _Latitude, Longitude and Altitude format for geospatial information: .. _wikipedia ISO 6709 page: """ text = [] if format == 'd': text.append('%+03i%+04i' % (latitude, longitude)) elif format == 'dd': text.append('%+0*.*f%+0*.*f' % (precision + 4, precision, latitude, precision + 5, precision, longitude)) elif format in ('dm', 'dms'): if format == 'dm': latitude_dms = to_dms(latitude, 'dm') longitude_dms = to_dms(longitude, 'dm') elif format == 'dms': latitude_dms = to_dms(latitude) longitude_dms = to_dms(longitude) latitude_sign = '-' if any(i < 0 for i in latitude_dms) else '+' latitude_dms = tuple(abs(i) for i in latitude_dms) longitude_sign = '-' if any(i < 0 for i in longitude_dms) else '+' longitude_dms = tuple(abs(i) for i in longitude_dms) if format == 'dm': text.append('%s%02i%02i' % ((latitude_sign, ) + latitude_dms)) text.append('%s%03i%02i' % ((longitude_sign, ) + longitude_dms)) elif format == 'dms': text.append('%s%02i%02i%02i' % ((latitude_sign, ) + latitude_dms)) text.append('%s%03i%02i%02i' % ((longitude_sign, ) + longitude_dms)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format type %r' % format) if altitude and int(altitude) == altitude: text.append('%+i' % altitude) elif altitude: text.append('%+.3f' % altitude) text.append('/') return ''.join(text)
[docs]def angle_to_distance(angle, units='metric'): """Convert angle in to distance along a great circle. Args: angle (float): Angle in degrees to convert to distance units (str): Unit type to be used for distances Returns: float: Distance in ``units`` Raises: ValueError: Unknown value for ``units`` """ distance = math.radians(angle) * BODY_RADIUS if units in ('km', 'metric'): return distance elif units in ('sm', 'imperial', 'US customary'): return distance / STATUTE_MILE elif units in ('nm', 'nautical'): return distance / NAUTICAL_MILE else: raise ValueError('Unknown units type %r' % units)
[docs]def distance_to_angle(distance, units='metric'): """Convert a distance in to an angle along a great circle. Args: distance (float): Distance to convert to degrees units (str): Unit type to be used for distances Returns: float: Angle in degrees Raises: ValueError: Unknown value for ``units`` """ if units in ('km', 'metric'): pass elif units in ('sm', 'imperial', 'US customary'): distance *= STATUTE_MILE elif units in ('nm', 'nautical'): distance *= NAUTICAL_MILE else: raise ValueError('Unknown units type %r' % units) return math.degrees(distance / BODY_RADIUS)
[docs]def from_grid_locator(locator): """Calculate geodesic latitude/longitude from Maidenhead locator. Args: locator (str): Maidenhead locator string Returns: tuple of float: Geodesic latitude and longitude values Raises: ValueError: Incorrect grid locator length ValueError: Invalid values in locator string """ if not len(locator) in (4, 6, 8): raise ValueError('Locator must be 4, 6 or 8 characters long %r' % locator) # Convert the locator string to a list, because we need it to be mutable to # munge the values locator = list(locator) # Convert characters to numeric value, fields are always uppercase locator[0] = ord(locator[0]) - 65 locator[1] = ord(locator[1]) - 65 # Values for square are always integers locator[2] = int(locator[2]) locator[3] = int(locator[3]) if len(locator) >= 6: # Some people use uppercase for the subsquare data, in spite of # lowercase being the accepted style, so handle that too. locator[4] = ord(locator[4].lower()) - 97 locator[5] = ord(locator[5].lower()) - 97 if len(locator) == 8: # Extended square values are always integers locator[6] = int(locator[6]) locator[7] = int(locator[7]) # Check field values within 'A'(0) to 'R'(17), and square values are within # 0 to 9 if not 0 <= locator[0] <= 17 \ or not 0 <= locator[1] <= 17 \ or not 0 <= locator[2] <= 9 \ or not 0 <= locator[3] <= 9: raise ValueError('Invalid values in locator %r' % locator) # Check subsquare values are within 'a'(0) to 'x'(23) if len(locator) >= 6: if not 0 <= locator[4] <= 23 \ or not 0 <= locator[5] <= 23: raise ValueError('Invalid values in locator %r' % locator) # Extended square values must be within 0 to 9 if len(locator) == 8: if not 0 <= locator[6] <= 9 \ or not 0 <= locator[7] <= 9: raise ValueError('Invalid values in locator %r' % locator) longitude = LONGITUDE_FIELD * locator[0] \ + LONGITUDE_SQUARE * locator[2] latitude = LATITUDE_FIELD * locator[1] \ + LATITUDE_SQUARE * locator[3] if len(locator) >= 6: longitude += LONGITUDE_SUBSQUARE * locator[4] latitude += LATITUDE_SUBSQUARE * locator[5] if len(locator) == 8: longitude += LONGITUDE_EXTSQUARE * locator[6] + LONGITUDE_EXTSQUARE / 2 latitude += LATITUDE_EXTSQUARE * locator[7] + LATITUDE_EXTSQUARE / 2 else: longitude += LONGITUDE_EXTSQUARE * 5 latitude += LATITUDE_EXTSQUARE * 5 # Rebase longitude and latitude to normal geodesic longitude -= 180 latitude -= 90 return latitude, longitude
[docs]def to_grid_locator(latitude, longitude, precision='square'): """Calculate Maidenhead locator from latitude and longitude. Args: latitude (float): Position's latitude longitude (float): Position's longitude precision (str): Precision with which generate locator string Returns: str: Maidenhead locator for latitude and longitude Raise: ValueError: Invalid precision identifier ValueError: Invalid latitude or longitude value """ if precision not in ('square', 'subsquare', 'extsquare'): raise ValueError('Unsupported precision value %r' % precision) if not -90 <= latitude <= 90: raise ValueError('Invalid latitude value %r' % latitude) if not -180 <= longitude <= 180: raise ValueError('Invalid longitude value %r' % longitude) latitude += 90.0 longitude += 180.0 locator = [] field = int(longitude / LONGITUDE_FIELD) locator.append(chr(field + 65)) longitude -= field * LONGITUDE_FIELD field = int(latitude / LATITUDE_FIELD) locator.append(chr(field + 65)) latitude -= field * LATITUDE_FIELD square = int(longitude / LONGITUDE_SQUARE) locator.append(str(square)) longitude -= square * LONGITUDE_SQUARE square = int(latitude / LATITUDE_SQUARE) locator.append(str(square)) latitude -= square * LATITUDE_SQUARE if precision in ('subsquare', 'extsquare'): subsquare = int(longitude / LONGITUDE_SUBSQUARE) locator.append(chr(subsquare + 97)) longitude -= subsquare * LONGITUDE_SUBSQUARE subsquare = int(latitude / LATITUDE_SUBSQUARE) locator.append(chr(subsquare + 97)) latitude -= subsquare * LATITUDE_SUBSQUARE if precision == 'extsquare': extsquare = int(longitude / LONGITUDE_EXTSQUARE) locator.append(str(extsquare)) extsquare = int(latitude / LATITUDE_EXTSQUARE) locator.append(str(extsquare)) return ''.join(locator)
[docs]def parse_location(location): """Parse latitude and longitude from string location. Args: location (str): String to parse Returns: tuple of float: Latitude and longitude of location """ def split_dms(text, hemisphere): """Split degrees, minutes and seconds string. Args: text (str): Text to split Returns:: float: Decimal degrees """ out = [] sect = [] for i in text: if i.isdigit(): sect.append(i) else: out.append(sect) sect = [] d, m, s = [float(''.join(i)) for i in out] if hemisphere in 'SW': d, m, s = [-1 * x for x in (d, m, s)] return to_dd(d, m, s) for sep in ';, ': chunks = location.split(sep) if len(chunks) == 2: if chunks[0].endswith('N'): latitude = float(chunks[0][:-1]) elif chunks[0].endswith('S'): latitude = -1 * float(chunks[0][:-1]) else: latitude = float(chunks[0]) if chunks[1].endswith('E'): longitude = float(chunks[1][:-1]) elif chunks[1].endswith('W'): longitude = -1 * float(chunks[1][:-1]) else: longitude = float(chunks[1]) return latitude, longitude elif len(chunks) == 4: if chunks[0].endswith(('s', '"')): latitude = split_dms(chunks[0], chunks[1]) else: latitude = float(chunks[0]) if chunks[1] == 'S': latitude = -1 * latitude if chunks[2].endswith(('s', '"')): longitude = split_dms(chunks[2], chunks[3]) else: longitude = float(chunks[2]) if chunks[3] == 'W': longitude = -1 * longitude return latitude, longitude
# }}} # Solar event utilities {{{ #: Sunrise/-set mappings from name to angle ZENITH = { # All values are specified in degrees! # Sunrise/sunset is defined as the moment the upper limb becomes visible, # taking in to account atmospheric refraction. That is 34' for atmospheric # refraction and 16' for angle between the Sun's centre and it's upper # limb, resulting in a combined 50' below the horizon. # # We're totally ignoring how temperature and pressure change the amount of # atmospheric refraction, because their effects are drowned out by rounding # errors in the equation. None: -50 / 60, # Twilight definitions specify the angle in degrees of the Sun below the # horizon 'civil': -6, 'nautical': -12, 'astronomical': -18, }
[docs]def sun_rise_set(latitude, longitude, date, mode='rise', timezone=0, zenith=None): """Calculate sunrise or sunset for a specific location. This function calculates the time sunrise or sunset, or optionally the beginning or end of a specified twilight period. Source:: Almanac for Computers, 1990 published by Nautical Almanac Office United States Naval Observatory Washington, DC 20392 Args: latitude (float): Location's latitude longitude (float): Location's longitude date ( Calculate rise or set for given date mode (str): Which time to calculate timezone (int): Offset from UTC in minutes zenith (str): Calculate rise/set events, or twilight times Returns: datetime.time or None: The time for the given event in the specified timezone, or ``None`` if the event doesn't occur on the given date Raises: ValueError: Unknown value for ``mode`` """ if not date: date = zenith = ZENITH[zenith] # First calculate the day of the year # Thanks, datetime this would have been ugly without you!!! n = (date - - 1, 12, 31)).days # Convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time lng_hour = longitude / 15 if mode == 'rise': t = n + ((6 - lng_hour) / 24) elif mode == 'set': t = n + ((18 - lng_hour) / 24) else: raise ValueError('Unknown mode value %r' % mode) # Calculate the Sun's mean anomaly m = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289 # Calculate the Sun's true longitude l = m + 1.916 * math.sin(math.radians(m)) + 0.020 \ * math.sin(2 * math.radians(m)) + 282.634 l = abs(l) % 360 # Calculate the Sun's right ascension ra = math.degrees(math.atan(0.91764 * math.tan(math.radians(l)))) # Right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L l_quandrant = (math.floor(l / 90)) * 90 ra_quandrant = (math.floor(ra / 90)) * 90 ra = ra + (l_quandrant - ra_quandrant) # Right ascension value needs to be converted into hours ra = ra / 15 # Calculate the Sun's declination sin_dec = 0.39782 * math.sin(math.radians(l)) cos_dec = math.cos(math.asin(sin_dec)) # Calculate the Sun's local hour angle cos_h = (math.radians(zenith) - (sin_dec * math.sin(math.radians(latitude)))) \ / (cos_dec * math.cos(math.radians(latitude))) if cos_h > 1: # The sun never rises on this location (on the specified date) return None elif cos_h < -1: # The sun never sets on this location (on the specified date) return None # Finish calculating H and convert into hours if mode == 'rise': h = 360 - math.degrees(math.acos(cos_h)) else: h = math.degrees(math.acos(cos_h)) h = h / 15 # Calculate local mean time of rising/setting t = h + ra - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622 # Adjust back to UTC utc = t - lng_hour # Convert UT value to local time zone of latitude/longitude local_t = utc + timezone / 60 if local_t < 0: local_t += 24 elif local_t > 23: local_t -= 24 hour = int(local_t) if hour == 0: minute = int(60 * local_t) else: minute = int(60 * (local_t % hour)) if minute < 0: minute += 60 return datetime.time(hour, minute)
[docs]def sun_events(latitude, longitude, date, timezone=0, zenith=None): """Convenience function for calculating sunrise and sunset. Civil twilight starts/ends when the Sun's centre is 6 degrees below the horizon. Nautical twilight starts/ends when the Sun's centre is 12 degrees below the horizon. Astronomical twilight starts/ends when the Sun's centre is 18 degrees below the horizon. Args: latitude (float): Location's latitude longitude (float): Location's longitude date ( Calculate rise or set for given date timezone (int): Offset from UTC in minutes zenith (str): Calculate rise/set events, or twilight times Returns: tuple of datetime.time: The time for the given events in the specified timezone """ return (sun_rise_set(latitude, longitude, date, 'rise', timezone, zenith), sun_rise_set(latitude, longitude, date, 'set', timezone, zenith))
# }}}
[docs]def dump_xearth_markers(markers, name='identifier'): """Generate an Xearth compatible marker file. ``dump_xearth_markers()`` writes a simple Xearth_ marker file from a dictionary of :class:`trigpoints.Trigpoint` objects. It expects a dictionary in one of the following formats. For support of :class:`Trigpoint` that is:: {500936: Trigpoint(52.066035, -0.281449, 37.0, "Broom Farm"), 501097: Trigpoint(52.010585, -0.173443, 97.0, "Bygrave"), 505392: Trigpoint(51.910886, -0.186462, 136.0, "Sish Lane")} And generates output of the form:: 52.066035 -0.281449 "500936" # Broom Farm, alt 37m 52.010585 -0.173443 "501097" # Bygrave, alt 97m 51.910886 -0.186462 "205392" # Sish Lane, alt 136m Or similar to the following if the ``name`` parameter is set to ``name``:: 52.066035 -0.281449 "Broom Farm" # 500936 alt 37m 52.010585 -0.173443 "Bygrave" # 501097 alt 97m 51.910886 -0.186462 "Sish Lane" # 205392 alt 136m Point objects should be provided in the following format:: {"Broom Farm": Point(52.066035, -0.281449), "Bygrave": Point(52.010585, -0.173443), "Sish Lane": Point(51.910886, -0.186462)} And generates output of the form:: 52.066035 -0.281449 "Broom Farm" 52.010585 -0.173443 "Bygrave" 51.910886 -0.186462 "Sish Lane" Note: xplanet_ also supports xearth marker files, and as such can use the output from this function. See also: upoints.xearth.Xearths.import_locations Args: markers (dict): Dictionary of identifier keys, with :class:`Trigpoint` values name (str): Value to use as Xearth display string Returns: list: List of strings representing an Xearth marker file Raises: ValueError: Unsupported value for ``name`` .. _xearth: .. _xplanet: """ output = [] for identifier, point in markers.items(): line = ['%f %f ' % (point.latitude, point.longitude), ] if hasattr(point, 'name') and if name == 'identifier': line.append('"%s" # %s' % (identifier, elif name == 'name': line.append('"%s" # %s' % (, identifier)) elif name == 'comment': line.append('"%s" # %s' % (identifier, point.comment)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown name type %r' % name) if hasattr(point, 'altitude') and point.altitude: line.append(', alt %im' % point.altitude) else: line.append('"%s"' % identifier) output.append(''.join(line)) # Return the list sorted on the marker name return sorted(output, key=lambda x: x.split()[2])
[docs]def calc_radius(latitude, ellipsoid='WGS84'): """Calculate earth radius for a given latitude. This function is most useful when dealing with datasets that are very localised and require the accuracy of an ellipsoid model without the complexity of code necessary to actually use one. The results are meant to be used as a :data:`BODY_RADIUS` replacement when the simple geocentric value is not good enough. The original use for ``calc_radius`` is to set a more accurate radius value for use with trigpointing databases that are keyed on the OSGB36 datum, but it has been expanded to cover other ellipsoids. Args: latitude (float): Latitude to calculate earth radius for ellipsoid (tuple of float): Ellipsoid model to use for calculation Returns: float: Approximated Earth radius at the given latitude """ ellipsoids = { 'Airy (1830)': (6377.563, 6356.257), # Ordnance Survey default 'Bessel': (6377.397, 6356.079), 'Clarke (1880)': (6378.249145, 6356.51486955), 'FAI sphere': (6371, 6371), # Idealised 'GRS-67': (6378.160, 6356.775), 'International': (6378.388, 6356.912), 'Krasovsky': (6378.245, 6356.863), 'NAD27': (6378.206, 6356.584), 'WGS66': (6378.145, 6356.758), 'WGS72': (6378.135, 6356.751), 'WGS84': (6378.137, 6356.752), # GPS default } # Equatorial radius, polar radius major, minor = ellipsoids[ellipsoid] # eccentricity of the ellipsoid eccentricity = 1 - (minor ** 2 / major ** 2) sl = math.sin(math.radians(latitude)) return (major * (1 - eccentricity)) / (1 - eccentricity * sl ** 2) ** 1.5