Source code for upoints.weather_stations

# coding=utf-8
"""weather_stations - Imports weather station data files."""
# Copyright © 2007-2017  James Rowe <>
# This file is part of upoints.
# upoints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# upoints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# upoints.  If not, see <>.

import logging

from . import (point, trigpoints, utils)

[docs]class Station(trigpoints.Trigpoint): """Class for representing a weather station from a NOAA data file. .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 """ __slots__ = ('alt_id', 'state', 'country', 'wmo', 'ua_latitude', 'ua_longitude', 'ua_altitude', 'rbsn') def __init__(self, alt_id, name, state, country, wmo, latitude, longitude, ua_latitude, ua_longitude, altitude, ua_altitude, rbsn): """Initialise a new ``Station`` object. Args: alt_id (str): Alternate location identifier name (str): Station's name state (str): State name, if station is in the US country (str): Country name wmo (int): WMO region code latitude (float): Station's latitude longitude (float): Station's longitude ua_latitude (float): Station's upper air latitude ua_longitude (float): Station's upper air longitude altitude (int): Station's elevation ua_altitude (int): Station's upper air elevation rbsn (bool): True if station belongs to RSBN """ super(Station, self).__init__(latitude, longitude, altitude, name) self.alt_id = alt_id self.state = state = country self.wmo = wmo self.ua_latitude = ua_latitude self.ua_longitude = ua_longitude self.ua_altitude = ua_altitude self.rbsn = rbsn def __str__(self): """Pretty printed location string. See also: ``trigpoints.point.Point`` Returns: str: Human readable string representation of ``Station`` object """ return self.__format__() def __format__(self, format_spec='dd'): """Extended pretty printing for location strings. Args: format_spec str: Coordinate formatting system to use Returns: Human readable string representation of ``Point`` object Raises: ValueError: Unknown value for ``format_spec`` """ text = super(Station.__base__, self).__format__(format_spec) if self.alt_id: return '%s (%s - %s)' % (, self.alt_id, text) else: return '%s (%s)' % (, text)
[docs]class Stations(point.KeyedPoints): """Class for representing a group of `Station` objects. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ def __init__(self, data=None, index='WMO'): """Initialise a new `Stations` object.""" super(Stations, self).__init__() self._data = data self._index = index if data: self.import_locations(data, index)
[docs] def import_locations(self, data, index='WMO'): """Parse NOAA weather station data files. ``import_locations()`` returns a dictionary with keys containing either the WMO or ICAO identifier, and values that are ``Station`` objects that describes the large variety of data exported by NOAA_. It expects data files in one of the following formats:: 00;000;PABL;Buckland, Buckland Airport;AK;United States;4;65-58-56N;161-09-07W;;;7;; 01;001;ENJA;Jan Mayen;;Norway;6;70-56N;008-40W;70-56N;008-40W;10;9;P 01;002;----;Grahuken;;Norway;6;79-47N;014-28E;;;;15; or:: AYMD;94;014;Madang;;Papua New Guinea;5;05-13S;145-47E;05-13S;145-47E;3;5;P AYMO;--;---;Manus Island/Momote;;Papua New Guinea;5;02-03-43S;147-25-27E;;;4;; AYPY;94;035;Moresby;;Papua New Guinea;5;09-26S;147-13E;09-26S;147-13E;38;49;P Files containing the data in this format can be downloaded from the :abbr:`NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration)`'s site in their `station location page`_. WMO indexed files downloaded from the :abbr:`NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration)` site when processed by ``import_locations()`` will return ``dict`` object of the following style:: {'00000': Station('PABL', 'Buckland, Buckland Airport', 'AK', 'United States', 4, 65.982222. -160.848055, None, None, 7, False), '01001'; Station('ENJA', Jan Mayen, None, 'Norway', 6, 70.933333, -7.333333, 70.933333, -7.333333, 10, 9, True), '01002': Station(None, 'Grahuken', None, 'Norway', 6, 79.783333, 13.533333, None, None, 15, False)} And ``dict`` objects such as the following will be created when ICAO indexed data files are processed:: {'AYMD': Station("94", "014", "Madang", None, "Papua New Guinea", 5, -5.216666, 145.783333, -5.216666, 145.78333333333333, 3, 5, True, 'AYMO': Station(None, None, "Manus Island/Momote", None, "Papua New Guinea", 5, -2.061944, 147.424166, None, None, 4, False, 'AYPY': Station("94", "035", "Moresby", None, "Papua New Guinea", 5, -9.433333, 147.216667, -9.433333, 147.216667, 38, 49, True} Args: data (iter): NOAA station data to read index (str): The identifier type used in the file Returns: dict: WMO locations with `Station` objects Raises: FileFormatError: Unknown file format .. _NOAA: .. _station location page: """ self._data = data data = utils.prepare_read(data) for line in data: line = line.strip() chunk = line.split(';') if not len(chunk) == 14: if index == 'ICAO': # Some entries only have 12 or 13 elements, so we assume 13 # and 14 are None. Of the entries I've hand checked this # assumption would be correct. logging.debug('Extending ICAO %r entry, because it is ' 'too short to process' % line) chunk.extend(['', '']) elif index == 'WMO' and len(chunk) == 13: # A few of the WMO indexed entries are missing their RBSN # fields, hand checking the entries for 71046 and 71899 # shows that they are correct if we just assume RBSN is # false. logging.debug('Extending WMO %r entry, because it is ' 'too short to process' % line) chunk.append('') else: raise utils.FileFormatError('NOAA') if index == 'WMO': identifier = ''.join(chunk[:2]) alt_id = chunk[2] elif index == 'ICAO': identifier = chunk[0] alt_id = ''.join(chunk[1:3]) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format %r' % index) if alt_id in ('----', '-----'): alt_id = None name = chunk[3] state = chunk[4] if chunk[4] else None country = chunk[5] wmo = int(chunk[6]) if chunk[6] else None point_data = [] for i in chunk[7:11]: if not i: point_data.append(None) continue # Some entries in nsd_cccc.txt are of the format "DD-MM- # N", so we just take the spaces to mean 0 seconds. if ' ' in i: logging.debug('Fixing unpadded location data in %r entry' % line) i = i.replace(' ', '0') values = map(int, i[:-1].split('-')) if i[-1] in ('S', 'W'): values = [-x for x in values] point_data.append(point.utils.to_dd(*values)) latitude, longitude, ua_latitude, ua_longitude = point_data altitude = int(chunk[11]) if chunk[11] else None ua_altitude = int(chunk[12]) if chunk[12] else None rbsn = False if not chunk[13] else True self[identifier] = Station(alt_id, name, state, country, wmo, latitude, longitude, ua_latitude, ua_longitude, altitude, ua_altitude, rbsn)