Source code for upoints.geonames

# coding=utf-8
"""geonames - Imports data files"""
# Copyright © 2007-2014  James Rowe <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import datetime

    from dateutil import tz
except ImportError:
    #: ``dateutil`` module reference if available
    tz = None

from upoints import (point, trigpoints, utils)

[docs]class Location(trigpoints.Trigpoint): """Class for representing a location from a geonames.org_ data file. All country codes are specified with their two letter ISO-3166 country code. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 :cvar __TIMEZONES: ``dateutil.gettz`` cache to speed up generation .. """ __slots__ = ('geonameid', 'asciiname', 'alt_names', 'feature_class', 'feature_code', 'country', 'alt_country', 'admin1', 'admin2', 'admin3', 'admin4', 'population', 'altitude', 'gtopo30', 'tzname', 'modified_date') if tz: __TIMEZONES = {} def __init__(self, geonameid, name, asciiname, alt_names, latitude, longitude, feature_class, feature_code, country, alt_country, admin1, admin2, admin3, admin4, population, altitude, gtopo30, tzname, modified_date, timezone=None): """Initialise a new ``Location`` object. :param int geonameid: ID of record in geonames database :param unicode name: Name of geographical location :param str asciiname: Name of geographical location in ASCII encoding :type alt_names: ``list`` of ``unicode`` :param alt_names: Alternate names for the location :param float latitude: Location's latitude :param float longitude: Location's longitude :param str feature_class: Location's type :param str feature_code: Location's code :param str country: Location's country :param str alt_country: Alternate country codes for location :param str admin1: FIPS code (subject to change to ISO code), ISO code for the US and CH :param str admin2: Code for the second administrative division, a county in the US :param str admin3: Code for third level administrative division :param str admin4: Code for fourth level administrative division :param int population: Location's population, if applicable :param int altitude: Location's elevation :param int gtopo30: Average elevation of 900 square metre region, if available :param str tzname: The timezone identifier using POSIX timezone names :param modified_date: Location's last modification date in the geonames databases :param int timezone: The non-DST timezone offset from UTC in minutes """ super(Location, self).__init__(latitude, longitude, altitude, name) self.geonameid = geonameid = name self.asciiname = asciiname self.alt_names = alt_names self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.feature_class = feature_class self.feature_code = feature_code = country self.alt_country = alt_country self.admin1 = admin1 self.admin2 = admin2 self.admin3 = admin3 self.admin4 = admin4 self.population = population self.altitude = altitude self.gtopo30 = gtopo30 self.tzname = tzname self.modified_date = modified_date if timezone is not None: self.timezone = timezone elif tz: if tzname in Location.__TIMEZONES: self.timezone = Location.__TIMEZONES[tzname] else: self.timezone = int(tz.gettz(tzname)._ttinfo_std.offset / 60) Location.__TIMEZONES[tzname] = self.timezone else: self.timezone = None def __str__(self): """Pretty printed location string. .. seealso:: :type :class:`trigpoints.point.Point` :rtype: ``str`` :return: Human readable string representation of ``Location`` object """ return self.__format__() def __format__(self, format_spec='dd'): """Extended pretty printing for location strings. :param str format_spec: Coordinate formatting system to use :rtype: ``str`` :return: Human readable string representation of ``Point`` object :raise ValueError: Unknown value for ``format_spec`` """ text = super(Location.__base__, self).__format__(format_spec) if self.alt_names: return '%s (%s - %s)' % (, ', '.join(self.alt_names), text) else: return '%s (%s)' % (, text)
[docs]class Locations(point.Points): """Class for representing a group of :class:`Location` objects. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ def __init__(self, data=None, tzfile=None): """Initialise a new ``Locations`` object.""" super(Locations, self).__init__() if tzfile: self.import_timezones_file(tzfile) else: self.timezones = {} self._data = data self._tzfile = tzfile if data: self.import_locations(data)
[docs] def import_locations(self, data): """Parse country database exports. ``import_locations()`` returns a list of :class:`trigpoints.Trigpoint` objects generated from the data exported by geonames.org_. It expects data files in the following tab separated format:: 2633441 Afon Wyre Afon Wyre River Wayrai,River Wyrai,Wyre 52.3166667 -4.1666667 H STM GB GB 00 0 -9999 Europe/London 1994-01-13 2633442 Wyre Wyre Viera 59.1166667 -2.9666667 T ISL GB GB V9 0 1 Europe/London 2004-09-24 2633443 Wraysbury Wraysbury Wyrardisbury 51.45 -0.55 P PPL GB P9 0 28 Europe/London 2006-08-21 Files containing the data in this format can be downloaded from the geonames.org_ site in their `database export page`_. Files downloaded from the geonames site when processed by ``import_locations()`` will return ``list`` objects of the following style:: [Location(2633441, "Afon Wyre", "Afon Wyre", ['River Wayrai', 'River Wyrai', 'Wyre'], 52.3166667, -4.1666667, "H", "STM", "GB", ['GB'], "00", None, None, None, 0, None, -9999, "Europe/London",, 1, 13)), Location(2633442, "Wyre", "Wyre", ['Viera'], 59.1166667, -2.9666667, "T", "ISL", "GB", ['GB'], "V9", None, None, None, 0, None, 1, "Europe/London",, 9, 24)), Location(2633443, "Wraysbury", "Wraysbury", ['Wyrardisbury'], 51.45, -0.55, "P", "PPL", "GB", None, "P9", None, None, None, 0, None, 28, "Europe/London",, 8, 21))] :type data: ``file``, ``list`` or ``str`` :param data: locations data to read :rtype: ``list`` :return: identifiers with :class:`Location` objects :raise FileFormatError: Unknown file format .. .. _database export page: """ self._data = data field_names = ('geonameid', 'name', 'asciiname', 'alt_names', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'feature_class', 'feature_code', 'country', 'alt_country', 'admin1', 'admin2', 'admin3', 'admin4', 'population', 'altitude', 'gtopo30', 'tzname', 'modified_date') comma_split = lambda s: s.split(',') date_parse = lambda s:*map(int, s.split('-'))) or_none = lambda x, s: x(s) if s else None str_or_none = lambda s: or_none(str, s) float_or_none = lambda s: or_none(float, s) int_or_none = lambda s: or_none(int, s) tz_parse = lambda s: self.timezones[s][0] if self.timezones else None field_parsers = (int_or_none, str_or_none, str_or_none, comma_split, float_or_none, float_or_none, str_or_none, str_or_none, str_or_none, comma_split, str_or_none, str_or_none, str_or_none, str_or_none, int_or_none, int_or_none, int_or_none, tz_parse, date_parse) data = utils.prepare_csv_read(data, field_names, delimiter=r" ") for row in data: try: for name, parser in zip(field_names, field_parsers): row[name] = parser(row[name]) except ValueError: raise utils.FileFormatError('') self.append(Location(**row))
[docs] def import_timezones_file(self, data): """Parse geonames.org_ timezone exports. ``import_timezones_file()`` returns a dictionary with keys containing the timezone identifier, and values consisting of a UTC offset and UTC offset during daylight savings time in minutes. It expects data files in the following format:: Europe/Andorra 1.0 2.0 Asia/Dubai 4.0 4.0 Asia/Kabul 4.5 4.5 Files containing the data in this format can be downloaded from the geonames site in their `database export page`_ Files downloaded from the geonames site when processed by ``import_timezones_file()`` will return ``dict`` object of the following style:: {"Europe/Andorra": (60, 120), "Asia/Dubai": (240, 240), "Asia/Kabul": (270, 270)} :type data: ``file``, ``list`` or ``str`` :param data: timezones data to read :rtype: ``list`` :return: timezone identifiers with their UTC offsets :raise FileFormatError: Unknown file format .. .. _database export page: """ self._tzfile = data field_names = ('ident', 'gmt_offset', 'dst_offset') time_parse = lambda n: int(float(n) * 60) data = utils.prepare_csv_read(data, field_names, delimiter=r" ") self.timezones = {} for row in data: if row['ident'] == 'TimeZoneId': continue try: delta = list(map(time_parse, (row['gmt_offset'], row['dst_offset']))) except ValueError: raise utils.FileFormatError('') self.timezones[row['ident']] = delta