Source code for upoints.point

# coding=utf-8
"""point - Classes for working with locations on Earth"""
# Copyright © 2007-2014  James Rowe <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import division

__doc__ += """.

.. moduleauthor:: James Rowe <>
.. versionadded:: 0.1.0

import math

from upoints import utils
from upoints.compat import mangle_repr_type

def _manage_location(attr):
    """Build managed property interface.

    :param str attr: Property's name
    :rtype: ``property``
    :return: Managed property interface

    return property(lambda self: getattr(self, '_%s' % attr),
                    lambda self, value: self._set_location(attr, value))

def _dms_formatter(latitude, longitude, mode, unistr=False):
    """Generate a human readable DM/DMS location string.

    :param float latitude: Location's latitude
    :param float longitude: Location's longitude
    :param str mode: Coordinate formatting system to use
    :param bool unistr: Whether to use extended character set

    if unistr:
        chars = ('°', '′', '″')
        chars = ('°', "'", '"')

    latitude_dms = tuple(map(abs, utils.to_dms(latitude, mode)))
    longitude_dms = tuple(map(abs, utils.to_dms(longitude, mode)))
    text = []
    if mode == 'dms':
        text.append('%%02i%s%%02i%s%%02i%s' % chars % latitude_dms)
        text.append('%%02i%s%%05.2f%s' % chars[:2] % latitude_dms)
    text.append('S' if latitude < 0 else 'N')
    if mode == 'dms':
        text.append(', %%03i%s%%02i%s%%02i%s' % chars % longitude_dms)
        text.append(', %%03i%s%%05.2f%s' % chars[:2] % longitude_dms)
    text.append('W' if longitude < 0 else 'E')
    return text

[docs]@mangle_repr_type class Point(object): """Simple class for representing a location on a sphere. .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 """ __slots__ = ('units', '_latitude', '_longitude', '_rad_latitude', '_rad_longitude', 'timezone', '_angle') def __init__(self, latitude, longitude, units='metric', angle='degrees', timezone=0): """Initialise a new ``Point`` object. :type latitude: ``float``, ``tuple`` or ``list`` :param float latitude: Location's latitude :type longitude: ``float``, ``tuple`` or ``list`` :param float longitude: Location's longitude :param str angle: Type for specified angles :param str units: Units type to be used for distances :param int timezone: Offset from UTC in minutes :raise ValueError: Unknown value for ``angle`` :raise ValueError: Unknown value for ``units`` :raise ValueError: Invalid value for ``latitude`` or ``longitude`` """ super(Point, self).__init__() if angle in ('degrees', 'radians'): self._angle = angle else: raise ValueError('Unknown angle type %r' % angle) self._set_location('latitude', latitude) self._set_location('longitude', longitude) if units in ('imperial', 'metric', 'nautical'): self.units = units elif units == 'km': self.units = 'metric' elif units in ('US customary', 'sm'): self.units = 'imperial' elif units == 'nm': self.units = 'nautical' else: raise ValueError('Unknown units type %r' % units) self.timezone = timezone def _set_location(self, ltype, value): """Check supplied location data for validity, and update.""" if self._angle == 'degrees': if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = utils.to_dd(*value) setattr(self, '_%s' % ltype, float(value)) setattr(self, '_rad_%s' % ltype, math.radians(float(value))) elif self._angle == 'radians': setattr(self, '_rad_%s' % ltype, float(value)) setattr(self, '_%s' % ltype, math.degrees(float(value))) else: raise ValueError('Unknown angle type %r' % self._angle) if ltype == 'latitude' and not -90 <= self._latitude <= 90: raise ValueError('Invalid latitude value %r' % value) elif ltype == 'longitude' and not -180 <= self._longitude <= 180: raise ValueError('Invalid longitude value %r' % value) latitude = _manage_location('latitude') longitude = _manage_location('longitude') rad_latitude = _manage_location('rad_latitude') rad_longitude = _manage_location('rad_longitude') @property def __dict__(self): """Emulate ``__dict__`` class attribute for class. :rtype: ``dict`` :return: Object attributes, as would be provided by a class that didn't set ``__slots__`` """ slots = [] cls = self.__class__ # Build a tuple of __slots__ from all parent classes while not cls is object: slots.extend(cls.__slots__) cls = cls.__base__ return dict((item, getattr(self, item)) for item in slots) def __repr__(self): """Self-documenting string representation. :rtype: ``str`` :return: String to recreate ``Point`` object """ return utils.repr_assist(self, {'angle': 'degrees'}) def __str__(self): """Pretty printed location string. :rtype: ``str`` :return: Human readable string representation of ``Point`` object """ return format(self) def __unicode__(self): """Pretty printed Unicode location string. :rtype: ``str`` :return: Human readable Unicode representation of ``Point`` object """ return _dms_formatter(self, 'dd', True) def __format__(self, format_spec='dd'): """Extended pretty printing for location strings. :param str format_spec: Coordinate formatting system to use :rtype: ``str`` :return: Human readable string representation of ``Point`` object :raise ValueError: Unknown value for ``format_spec`` """ text = [] if not format_spec: # default format calls set format_spec to '' format_spec = 'dd' if format_spec == 'dd': text.append('S' if self.latitude < 0 else 'N') text.append('%06.3f°; ' % abs(self.latitude)) text.append('W' if self.longitude < 0 else 'E') text.append('%07.3f°' % abs(self.longitude)) elif format_spec in ('dm', 'dms'): text = _dms_formatter(self.latitude, self.longitude, format_spec) elif format_spec == 'locator': text.append(self.to_grid_locator()) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format_spec %r' % format_spec) return ''.join(text) def __eq__(self, other, accuracy=None): """Compare ``Point`` objects for equality with optional accuracy amount. :param Point other: Object to test for equality against :param float accuracy: Objects are considered equal if within ``accuracy`` ``units`` distance of each other :rtype: ``bool`` :return: True if objects are equal within given bounds """ if accuracy is None: return hash(self) == hash(other) else: return self.distance(other) < accuracy def __ne__(self, other, accuracy=None): """Compare ``Point`` objects for inequality with optional accuracy amount. :param Point other: Object to test for inequality against :param float accuracy: Objects are considered equal if within ``accuracy`` ``units`` distance :rtype: ``bool`` :return: True if objects are not equal within given bounds """ return not self.__eq__(other, accuracy) def __hash__(self): """Produce an object hash for equality checks. This method returns the hash of the return value from the ``__str__`` method. It guarantees equality for objects that have the same latitude and longitude. .. seealso:: :meth:`__str__` :rtype: ``int`` :return: Hash of string representation """ return hash(repr(self))
[docs] def to_grid_locator(self, precision='square'): """Calculate Maidenhead locator from latitude and longitude. :param str precision: Precision with which generate locator string :rtype: ``str`` :return: Maidenhead locator for latitude and longitude """ return utils.to_grid_locator(self.latitude, self.longitude, precision)
[docs] def distance(self, other, method='haversine'): """Calculate the distance from self to other. As a smoke test this check uses the example from Wikipedia's `Great-circle distance entry`_ of Nashville International Airport to Los Angeles International Airport, and is correct to within 2 kilometres of the calculation there. :param Point other: Location to calculate distance to :param str method: Method used to calculate distance :rtype: ``float`` :return: Distance between self and other in ``units`` :raise ValueError: Unknown value for ``method`` .. _Great-circle distance entry: """ longitude_difference = other.rad_longitude - self.rad_longitude latitude_difference = other.rad_latitude - self.rad_latitude if method == 'haversine': temp = math.sin(latitude_difference / 2) ** 2 + \ math.cos(self.rad_latitude) * \ math.cos(other.rad_latitude) * \ math.sin(longitude_difference / 2) ** 2 distance = 2 * utils.BODY_RADIUS * math.atan2(math.sqrt(temp), math.sqrt(1 - temp)) elif method == 'sloc': distance = math.acos(math.sin(self.rad_latitude) * math.sin(other.rad_latitude) + math.cos(self.rad_latitude) * math.cos(other.rad_latitude) * math.cos(longitude_difference)) * \ utils.BODY_RADIUS else: raise ValueError('Unknown method type %r' % method) if self.units == 'imperial': return distance / utils.STATUTE_MILE elif self.units == 'nautical': return distance / utils.NAUTICAL_MILE else: return distance
[docs] def bearing(self, other, format='numeric'): """Calculate the initial bearing from self to other. .. note:: Applying common plane Euclidean trigonometry to bearing calculations suggests to us that the bearing between point A to point B is equal to the inverse of the bearing from Point B to Point A, whereas spherical trigonometry is much more fun. If the ``bearing`` method doesn't make sense to you when calculating return bearings there are plenty of resources on the web that explain spherical geometry. .. todo:: Add Rhumb line calculation :param Point other: Location to calculate bearing to :param str format: Format of the bearing string to return :rtype: ``float`` :return: Initial bearing from self to other in degrees :raise ValueError: Unknown value for ``format`` """ longitude_difference = other.rad_longitude - self.rad_longitude y = math.sin(longitude_difference) * math.cos(other.rad_latitude) x = math.cos(self.rad_latitude) * math.sin(other.rad_latitude) - \ math.sin(self.rad_latitude) * math.cos(other.rad_latitude) * \ math.cos(longitude_difference) bearing = math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x)) # Always return positive North-aligned bearing bearing = (bearing + 360) % 360 if format == 'numeric': return bearing elif format == 'string': return utils.angle_to_name(bearing) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format type %r' % format)
[docs] def midpoint(self, other): """Calculate the midpoint from self to other. .. seealso:: :meth:`bearing` :param Point other: Location to calculate midpoint to :rtype: ``Point`` instance :return: Great circle midpoint from self to other """ longitude_difference = other.rad_longitude - self.rad_longitude y = math.sin(longitude_difference) * math.cos(other.rad_latitude) x = math.cos(other.rad_latitude) * math.cos(longitude_difference) latitude = math.atan2(math.sin(self.rad_latitude) + math.sin(other.rad_latitude), math.sqrt((math.cos(self.rad_latitude) + x) ** 2 + y ** 2)) longitude = self.rad_longitude \ + math.atan2(y, math.cos(self.rad_latitude) + x) return Point(latitude, longitude, angle='radians')
[docs] def final_bearing(self, other, format='numeric'): """Calculate the final bearing from self to other. .. seealso:: :meth:`bearing` :param Point other: Location to calculate final bearing to :param str format: Format of the bearing string to return :rtype: ``float`` :return: Final bearing from self to other in degrees :raise ValueError: Unknown value for ``format`` """ final_bearing = (other.bearing(self) + 180) % 360 if format == 'numeric': return final_bearing elif format == 'string': return utils.angle_to_name(final_bearing) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format type %r' % format)
[docs] def destination(self, bearing, distance): """Calculate the destination from self given bearing and distance. :param float bearing: Bearing from self :param float distance: Distance from self in ``self.units`` :rtype: ``Point`` :return: Location after travelling ``distance`` along ``bearing`` """ bearing = math.radians(bearing) if self.units == 'imperial': distance *= utils.STATUTE_MILE elif self.units == 'nautical': distance *= utils.NAUTICAL_MILE angular_distance = distance / utils.BODY_RADIUS dest_latitude = math.asin(math.sin(self.rad_latitude) * math.cos(angular_distance) + math.cos(self.rad_latitude) * math.sin(angular_distance) * math.cos(bearing)) dest_longitude = self.rad_longitude + \ math.atan2(math.sin(bearing) * math.sin(angular_distance) * math.cos(self.rad_latitude), math.cos(angular_distance) - math.sin(self.rad_latitude) * math.sin(dest_latitude)) return Point(dest_latitude, dest_longitude, angle='radians')
[docs] def sunrise(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate the sunrise time for a ``Point`` object. .. seealso:: :func:`utils.sun_rise_set` :param date: Calculate rise or set for given date :param str zenith: Calculate rise/set events, or twilight times :rtype: :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the given event in the specified timezone """ return utils.sun_rise_set(self.latitude, self.longitude, date, 'rise', self.timezone, zenith)
[docs] def sunset(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate the sunset time for a ``Point`` object. .. seealso:: :func:`utils.sun_rise_set` :param date: Calculate rise or set for given date :param str zenith: Calculate rise/set events, or twilight times :rtype: :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the given event in the specified timezone """ return utils.sun_rise_set(self.latitude, self.longitude, date, 'set', self.timezone, zenith)
[docs] def sun_events(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate the sunrise time for a ``Point`` object. .. seealso:: :func:`utils.sun_rise_set` :param date: Calculate rise or set for given date :param str zenith: Calculate rise/set events, or twilight times :rtype: ``tuple`` of :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the given events in the specified timezone """ return utils.sun_events(self.latitude, self.longitude, date, self.timezone, zenith)
# Inverse and forward are the common functions expected by people that are # familiar with geodesics.
[docs] def inverse(self, other): """Calculate the inverse geodesic from self to other. :param Point other: Location to calculate inverse geodesic to :rtype: ``tuple`` of ``float`` objects :return: Bearing and distance from self to other """ return (self.bearing(other), self.distance(other))
# Forward geodesic function maps directly to destination method forward = destination
[docs]class TimedPoint(Point): """Class for representing a location with an associated time. .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 """ __slots__ = ('time', ) def __init__(self, latitude, longitude, units='metric', angle='degrees', timezone=0, time=None): """Initialise a new ``TimedPoint`` object. :type latitude: ``float``, ``tuple`` or ``list`` :param latitude: Location's latitude :type longitude: ``float``, ``tuple`` or ``list`` :param longitude: Location's longitude :param str angle: Type for specified angles :param units: Units type to be used for distances :param timezone: Offset from UTC in minutes :param datetime.datetime time: Time associated with the location """ super(TimedPoint, self).__init__(latitude, longitude, units, angle, timezone) self.time = time
[docs]@mangle_repr_type class Points(list): """Class for representing a group of :class:`Point` objects. .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 """ def __init__(self, points=None, parse=False, units='metric'): """Initialise a new ``Points`` object. :type points: ``list`` of `Point` objects :param points: :class:`Point` objects to wrap :param bool parse: Whether to attempt import of ``points`` :param str units: Unit type to be used for distances when parsing string locations """ super(Points, self).__init__() self._parse = parse self.units = units if points: if parse: self.import_locations(points) else: if not all(x for x in points if isinstance(x, Point)): raise TypeError('All `points` elements must be an ' 'instance of the `Point` class') self.extend(points) def __repr__(self): """Self-documenting string representation. :rtype: ``str`` :return: String to recreate ``Points`` object """ return utils.repr_assist(self, {'points': self[:]})
[docs] def import_locations(self, locations): """Import locations from arguments. :type locations: ``list`` of ``str`` or ``tuple`` :param locations: Location identifiers """ for location in locations: data = utils.parse_location(location) if data: latitude, longitude = data else: latitude, longitude = utils.from_grid_locator(location) self.append(Point(latitude, longitude, self.units))
[docs] def distance(self, method='haversine'): """Calculate distances between locations. :param str method: Method used to calculate distance :rtype: ``list`` of ``float`` :return: Distance between points in series """ if not len(self) > 1: raise RuntimeError('More than one location is required') return (self[i].distance(self[i + 1], method) for i in range(len(self) - 1))
[docs] def bearing(self, format='numeric'): """Calculate bearing between locations. :param str format: Format of the bearing string to return :rtype: ``list`` of ``float`` :return: Bearing between points in series """ if not len(self) > 1: raise RuntimeError('More than one location is required') return (self[i].bearing(self[i + 1], format) for i in range(len(self) - 1))
[docs] def final_bearing(self, format='numeric'): """Calculate final bearing between locations. :param str format: Format of the bearing string to return :rtype: ``list`` of ``float`` :return: Bearing between points in series """ if len(self) == 1: raise RuntimeError('More than one location is required') return (self[i].final_bearing(self[i + 1], format) for i in range(len(self) - 1))
[docs] def inverse(self): """Calculate the inverse geodesic between locations. :rtype: ``list`` of 2 ``tuple`` of ``float`` :return: Bearing and distance between points in series """ return ((self[i].bearing(self[i + 1]), self[i].distance(self[i + 1])) for i in range(len(self) - 1))
[docs] def midpoint(self): """Calculate the midpoint between locations. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Point` instances :return: Midpoint between points in series """ return (self[i].midpoint(self[i + 1]) for i in range(len(self) - 1))
[docs] def range(self, location, distance): """Test whether locations are within a given range of ``location`` :param Point location: Location to test range against :param float distance: Distance to test location is within :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Point` objects within specified range :return: Points within range of the specified location """ return (x for x in self if location.__eq__(x, distance))
[docs] def destination(self, bearing, distance): """Calculate destination locations for given distance and bearings. :param float bearing: Bearing to move on in degrees :param float distance: Distance in kilometres :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Point` :return: Points shifted by ``distance`` and ``bearing`` """ return (x.destination(bearing, distance) for x in self)
forward = destination
[docs] def sunrise(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate sunrise times for locations. :param date: Calculate sunrise for given date :param str zenith: Calculate sunrise events, or end of twilight :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the sunrise for each point """ return (x.sunrise(date, zenith) for x in self)
[docs] def sunset(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate sunset times for locations. :param date: Calculate sunset for given date :param str zenith: Calculate sunset events, or start of twilight :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the sunset for each point """ return (x.sunset(date, zenith) for x in self)
[docs] def sun_events(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate sunrise/sunset times for locations. :param date: Calculate rise or set for given date :param str zenith: Calculate rise/set events, or twilight times :rtype: ``list`` of 2 ``tuple`` of :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the sunrise and sunset events for each point """ return (x.sun_events(date, zenith) for x in self)
[docs] def to_grid_locator(self, precision='square'): """Calculate Maidenhead locator for locations. :param str precision: Precision with which generate locator string :rtype: ``list`` of ``str`` :return: Maidenhead locator for each point """ return (x.to_grid_locator(precision) for x in self)
[docs]class TimedPoints(Points):
[docs] def speed(self): """Calculate speed between :class:`Points` :rtype: ``list`` of ``float`` :return: Speed between :class:`Point` elements in km/h """ if not len(self) > 1: raise RuntimeError('More than one location is required') try: times = [i.time for i in self] except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('Not all Point objects include time ' 'attribute') return (distance / ((times[i + 1] - times[i]).seconds / 3600) for i, distance in enumerate(self.distance()))
[docs]@mangle_repr_type class KeyedPoints(dict): """Class for representing a keyed group of :class:`Point` objects. .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 """ def __init__(self, points=None, parse=False, units='metric'): """Initialise a new ``KeyedPoints`` object. :type points: ``dict`` of :class:`Point` objects :param points: :class:`Point` objects to wrap :param bool points: Whether to attempt import of ``points`` :param str units: Unit type to be used for distances when parsing string locations """ super(KeyedPoints, self).__init__() self._parse = parse self.units = units if points: if parse: self.import_locations(points) else: if not all(x for x in points.values() if isinstance(x, Point)): raise TypeError("All `points` element's values must be an " 'instance of the `Point` class') self.update(points) def __repr__(self): """Self-documenting string representation. :rtype: ``str`` :return: String to recreate ``KeyedPoints`` object """ return utils.repr_assist(self, {'points': dict(self.items())})
[docs] def import_locations(self, locations): """Import locations from arguments. :type locations: ``list`` of 2 ``tuple`` of ``str`` :param locations: Identifiers and locations """ for identifier, location in locations: data = utils.parse_location(location) if data: latitude, longitude = data else: latitude, longitude = utils.from_grid_locator(location) self[identifier] = Point(latitude, longitude, self.units)
[docs] def distance(self, order, method='haversine'): """Calculate distances between locations. :param list order: Order to process elements in :param str method: Method used to calculate distance :rtype: ``list`` of ``float`` :return: Distance between points in ``order`` """ if not len(self) > 1: raise RuntimeError('More than one location is required') return (self[order[i]].distance(self[order[i + 1]], method) for i in range(len(order) - 1))
[docs] def bearing(self, order, format='numeric'): """Calculate bearing between locations. :param list order: Order to process elements in :param str format: Format of the bearing string to return :rtype: ``list`` of ``float`` :return: Bearing between points in series """ if not len(self) > 1: raise RuntimeError('More than one location is required') return (self[order[i]].bearing(self[order[i + 1]], format) for i in range(len(order) - 1))
[docs] def final_bearing(self, order, format='numeric'): """Calculate final bearing between locations. :param list order: Order to process elements in :param str format: Format of the bearing string to return :rtype: ``list`` of ``float`` :return: Bearing between points in series """ if len(self) == 1: raise RuntimeError('More than one location is required') return (self[order[i]].final_bearing(self[order[i + 1]], format) for i in range(len(order) - 1))
[docs] def inverse(self, order): """Calculate the inverse geodesic between locations. :param list order: Order to process elements in :rtype: ``list`` of 2 ``tuple`` of ``float`` :return: Bearing and distance between points in series """ return ((self[order[i]].bearing(self[order[i + 1]]), self[order[i]].distance(self[order[i + 1]])) for i in range(len(order) - 1))
[docs] def midpoint(self, order): """Calculate the midpoint between locations. :param list order: Order to process elements in :rtype: ``list`` of `Point` instance :return: Midpoint between points in series """ return (self[order[i]].midpoint(self[order[i + 1]]) for i in range(len(order) - 1))
[docs] def range(self, location, distance): """Test whether locations are within a given range of the first. :param Point location: Location to test range against :param float distance: Distance to test location is within :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Point` objects within specified range """ return (x for x in self.items() if location.__eq__(x[1], distance))
[docs] def destination(self, bearing, distance): """Calculate destination locations for given distance and bearings. :param float bearing: Bearing to move on in degrees :param float distance: Distance in kilometres """ return ((x[0], x[1].destination(bearing, distance)) for x in self.items())
forward = destination
[docs] def sunrise(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate sunrise times for locations. :param date: Calculate sunrise for given date :param str zenith: Calculate sunrise events, or end of twilight :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the sunrise for each point """ return ((x[0], x[1].sunrise(date, zenith)) for x in self.items())
[docs] def sunset(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate sunset times for locations. :param date: Calculate sunset for given date :param str zenith: Calculate sunset events, or start of twilight :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the sunset for each point """ return ((x[0], x[1].sunset(date, zenith)) for x in self.items())
[docs] def sun_events(self, date=None, zenith=None): """Calculate sunrise/sunset times for locations. :param date: Calculate rise or set for given date :param str zenith: Calculate rise/set events, or twilight times :rtype: ``list`` of 2 ``tuple`` of :class:`datetime.datetime` :return: The time for the sunrise and sunset events for each point """ return ((x[0], x[1].sun_events(date, zenith)) for x in self.items())
[docs] def to_grid_locator(self, precision='square'): """Calculate Maidenhead locator for locations. :param str precision: Precision with which generate locator string :rtype: ``list`` of ``str`` :return: Maidenhead locator for each point """ return ((x[0], x[1].to_grid_locator(precision)) for x in self.items())